Female Vocational Training Center
Countries that quit producing real products, spend more than they produce, lag in education, burden their middle class with higher taxes, and continue to import billions from other countries, bail out failed businesses and reward bad behavior instead of investing in good businesses, will eventually lose their leadership and wealth.
What is vocational training
Vocational training is training for a specific career or trade, excluding the professions. Vocational training focuses on practical applications of skills learned, and is generally unconcerned with theory or traditional academic skills. A large part of the education in vocational schools is hands-on training. Vocational training thus provides a link between education and the working world. It is usually provided either at the high school level or in a post-secondary trade school.
Why is Vocational Training worth Considering?
Vocational training offers training for specific jobs. Since vocational training often begins in high school, students can graduate prepared to take a high-paying, skilled job immediately. Graduates of trade or vocational schools have an advantage over informally trained job-seekers because an independent organization certifies that they have the skills needed to successfully perform a specific, skilled occupation.
Chambeli Institute is on its go to provide a quality Vocational Training to the women. In our Institute different kind of training is given like sewing, stitching, embroidery, and many more. With the help of such skills our women could be able to lead a financial free life.
As said by Paul F. Meekin:
I’ve always believed in education and in good teaching that is guided by truth. But after a lifetime of educational pursuit, I now ask, what is true education and who decides on what is good teaching? This search has taken me through the spiritual, the delusional, social, physical, the psychological, the philosophical — and back again. And I have made the most important educational discovery of my career, the most important discovery of my whole life: It is only through kindness that any true lesson can be taught and that I’m only here to help my students find that kindness. They are all my education, they are all my good teaching, they are my truth, and they are my kindness.