Donate for the Betterment of Special Children

Donation Account

Account Title: Society For Mentally Handicapped Children

Account No: PK77FWOM0018022198310000

Bank Name: First Women Bank, Murree Road Nazeer Plaza, Rawalpindi.

We accept Zakat, Sadqat, Sponsorships and all other Donations

Your donated funds will be surely used for education and food of these deserving and special children.

Chambeli Institute is a project of Society for the mentally handicapped children founded during 1969 and registered under the Social Welfare Agencies (R&C) Ordinance 1961, bearing No. DSW/PB/70/4/19470.

Let's spread happiness all around. For this purpose we are united to help the special children who are needy in true sense and awaiting for our help so that they can have better and the best possible life.

We are on our mission to deliver health to everybody in the society especially the special children who need intense care and scientific methods of treatment.

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